The beef industry is waging war on our bison in Yellowstone National Park. With their cohorts in the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Montana Department of Livestock, they have been responsible for killing more than 1,000 Yellowstone bison this past winter alone.

Some bison were shot as soon as they stepped into Montana. Others were lured into pens, crowded onto trucks, and shipped to Montana slaughterhouses where they were hung upside down and their throats were slit. It's time to tell the beef industry enough is enough!

MYTH: Ranchers claim that bison will spread a disease called "brucellosis" to cattle in Montana.

FACT: There has never been a single confirmed case of brucellosis being transmitted from wild bison to domestic cattle. Furthermore, ranchers can easily vaccinate their cattle for a few dollars a head.

MYTH: Ranchers complain that bison compete with cattle for land.

FACT: Most of the lands surrounding Yellowstone National Park (our National Forests and other public lands) allow cattle grazing from June to October. Bison only leave the Park during the winter!

MYTH: Ranchers claim that Yellowstone bison are overpopulated and the National Park Service refuses to manage them.

FACT: The bison population is so low that it may not be able to survive. At the beginning of the winter there were an estimated 3,500 bison in Yellowstone National Park. Because Montana has killed more than 1,000 and because of the harsh winter, the bison herd is down to approximately a third of that original estimate.

Our tax dollars already subsidize cattle grazing on our public lands. The beef industry has been on cowboy welfare getting free handouts for far too long. Our wildlife is paying the price!

Please give copies of this flyer to your local supermarket and restaurant managers, and tell them that you're boycotting beef because you've had enough of this war on wildlife! Ask them to remove beef from their shelves because the cattle industry refuses to take its hands off Yellowstone bison!

If you would like copies of this flyer to distribute at supermarkets or restaurants, please email us at and we will send you some.

For more information:

The Fund for Animals, 200 W. 57th St., New York, N.Y. 10019
D.C. office -- (301) 585-2591
Rocky Mountain office -- (307) 859-8840
E-Mail --

The Fund for Animals

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